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My English is not too good & I want to know if Minimize is ban in Battle Tower of anywhere else


New member
Just like the title says. I've read some Pokemon Blaze Online guides but I still don't get it clear,

Is Minimize banned, could I use that move in any pkm that I'd like?

Thnks in advance
Thanks for your kind answer, but also I still don't get Ranked PvP. Are those the battles with some random user agaisnt me?

So ,If I have a pokemon with minimize in those random battle, that pokemon will be banned just for that battle?

Or Ranked battle are a different system of battles and every user with all of their patience could think about a specific team for those battles? and perhaps if someone win those battles they could get some rare coins in the game?

And , sorry for all of those questions but, When a user of this game could battle in Ranked PvP?
Yes, ranked pvp is battling other online players, 6v6 Overused/Underused, or Randoms Matches.

You will not be able to Use Minimize while playing Ranked, These matches do have rewards for winning / playing several battles against other players.

Feel Free to check out that guide here if interested in learning more: Ranked PVP Guide

Ladder UI is located at bottom left corner of the game, and can be accessed anytime, Although recommended to be prepared, We do have a Randoms Gamemode where you get 6 Random Pokemon and play versus other online players as well