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Easter 2024 (rushed)


Staff member
Easter 🥚

You enter Easter maps using the Lapras on Lake Verity in Sinnoh (Sandgem 2x left 1x up)
Get egg shards from fainting common & uncommon spawns on Easter Island maps. Happiny will need 35 egg shards to unlock the next maps. Layout of the maps is:

-------------- MAP 3 ----------------
---------------- ^ ------------------
----------------- || ------------------
MAP 4 <=> MAP 2 <=> MAP 1

Main goals:
  • Get Egg shards -> currency in event shop (tree easter island 1)
  • Beat Easter boss -> daily boss giving some cash & items, on hard gives diancite on first succes. Like other Champions (from sinnoh or hoenn) has an increasing cooldown on failures (max 15 minutes)
  • Collect pokemon (see 'Special Spawns' later)

Each Easter Island map has a tree you can enter:
  1. Easter Island 1: Egg Shard Shop + Storage System PC
  2. Easter Island 2: Easter Boss + Storage System PC
  3. Easter Island 3: Psychic Guru (asking 75 shards for Meloetta-Aria roaming) + Storage System PC
  4. Easter Island 4: Psychic Guru (asking 100 shards for Diancie roaming) + Storage System PC + Gracidea trader
Each Easter Island map has a healer:
  1. Easter Island 1: Double Pillars top left of the map.
  2. Easter Island 2: Big rock Middle of the map (top left of pond)
  3. Easter Island 3: NPC Near the Tree (Membership only)
  4. Easter Island 4: NPC Bottom left of the map (Membership only)

Special spawns:

Easter exclusive:
  • Gothita | VR | Easter Island #1
  • Skiddo | VR | Easter Island #2
  • Goomy | UR | Easter Island #2
  • Applin | UR | Easter Island #3
  • Genesect | UR | Easter Island #4
  • Shaymin-Land | UR | Swarm
  • Meloetta-Aria | UR | Roaming unlocked
  • Diancie | Legendary | Roaming unlocked
Easter forms (2024 easter exclusive):
  • Kommo-o-E | UR | Easter Island #1
  • Azumaril-E | R | Easter Island #2
  • Staraptor-E | VR | Easter Island #3

Special items for event:
  • Gracidea (NPC in Island #4 tree 1K shards)
  • Diancite (drop if you beat Easter Boss on Hard)
  • Loppunite (extremely rare drop from lopunny // Egg shard shop (10K shards))
  • Evo items for the different applin evolutions (egg shard shop, including dragon cheer tm)
  • Genesect's drives (egg shard shop)
  • Several deco's (Donator shop // Egg shard shop)
  • Several TM's (some not obtainable in other ways)
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